Inspired by The Power of YOU

Preparing for birth and postpartum as a first, second, or multiple time parent can be overwhelming, nerve wracking, exciting, and empowering. All of these emotions can come into play when we are getting ready to birth our sweet babies. Knowledge in birth is power, it is essential to honor our bodies and our babies.

I started Hannah the Birth Coach after giving birth to my two beautiful children. My first birth was highly medicalized and full of intervention; I was a first time mother who was uneducated of the risks and benefits of these interventions. My second birth I had spent time learning, practicing, and empowering myself to have a redemptive and positive birth. With the help of my husband, our doula, and my new found knowledge I was able to accomplish just that. Thus, the birth of my idea of wanting to educate and empower birthing people to have positive and empowered births.


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